About John Zaffis
John Zaffis has over 45 years of experience studying and investigating the paranormal. He has had the opportunity to work for and with his aunt and uncle, Ed and Lorraine Warren. This sent John beyond looking for ghosts and hauntings and into studying demonology under the Warrens. This led into John's involvement with cases of possession and exorcism and working with prominent exorcists in this field. Roman Catholic priests, monks, Buddhists, rabbis and ministers. John has assisted and worked with well-known exorcists Bishop Robert McKenna, Malachi Martin and the Rev Jun.
His research has taken him throughout the United States, Canada, England and Scotland covering several thousands of cases. Through hands-on investigating with other investigators and clergy, he has obtained a great deal of knowledge and understanding of the paranormal and is considered one of the foremost authorities in the field today.
Ghosts and poltergeists where among some of his first-hand paranormal experiences, as well as the demonic and diabolical. He has also worked extensively with both spiritualists and psychics concerning how their knowledge is used for channeling, reincarnation (past-life regression), or the calling of the spirits for information, and how they use meditation to acquire the information which they are seeking. Because of his personal experiences with hauntings, ESP, near-death experiences and other paranormal activities, he is firm in his conviction that such phenomena exist.
John has been featured on the Travel Channel's show Haunted Collector, Discovery Channel's documentaries A Haunting in Connecticut and Little Lost Souls. John has also appeared on Unsolved Mysteries, Fox News Live, and many other print and news media events. John is also in the books of Ed and Lorraine Warren Graveyards and In A Dark Place. John's first book, Shadows of the Dark, co-written with Brian McIntyre, was released in September, 2004. John has several follow-up books such as Haunted by the Things You Love, and Demon Haunted. John is also lecturing all over the United States at colleges, universities and haunted locations.

John with uncle, Ed Warren
John with his aunt Lorraine Warren and the Rev. Jun and his disciples